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Inscripciones de Béisbol/Softbol Juvenil

The Sevierville Recreation Department is accepting youth baseball and softball registration and entry fees for the 2019 Smoky Mountain Youth Baseball Association’s (SMYBA) spring season.  Sign-ups begin on January 8, 2019.

Baseball leagues are open to children ages 3-14 years old; softball ages are 5-14 years old. The age date cutoff for each age group is now May 1, 2019. The registration fee for both leagues is $35.00/child. There is a $5.00 discount for each additional child. Children can register to be drafted or full teams may register as well.

NUEVO para 2019 es la posibilidad de registrarse en línea visitando Please be sure to include team name, if you have one.  
Registration forms and information will also be available at the Sevierville Community Center Monday-Friday 6AM-8PM; Saturday 8AM-12:30PM.  

The FINAL day to register players will be February 23, 2019.   

Season will run from April 8, 2019 through June of 2019. 

Registration forms are also available online at  on the athletics page, or you can find it by liking SMYBA’s page on Facebook.
For more information, Please call the Athletics Office at 865-453-6946 or contact Athletics Supervisor Patrick Oxley at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra robots de spam. Es necesario activar Javascript para visualizarla..


El Departamento de Parques y Recreación hará todo lo posible para dar cabida a cualquier persona que desee acceder a cualquier instalación, incluidos los dispositivos de escucha aprobados por la ADA. Para obtener ayuda con la accesibilidad, llame al 865-453-5441.


bob parker, Director

120 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37862
Teléfono: 865.453.5441

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